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2.5 million Euros —The Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize 2014

2.5 million Euros —The Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize 2014

15th May 2014

Congratulations to Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Leif Kobbelt, computer science / computer graphics, of RWTH Aachen

The Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize is the most important research prize in Germany. The Leibniz Programme, which was established in 1985, aims to improve the working conditions of outstanding scientists to expand their research opportunities, relieve them of administrative tasks and to help them employ particularly qualified young scientists is. The prize is worth up to 2.5 million euros. The promotion will only be granted on a proposal from a third party. The decision on the winners by the Chief shot based on a recommendation of the Nomination Committee for the Leibniz program.

Leif Kobbelt regarded as the outstanding German computer graphics in the field of geometry processing and as one of the most innovative and productive representative of his field of research worldwide, is one of the winners of the 2014 Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize. His work makes a significant contribution to meet the growing demands of our modern information society to the real picture possible three-dimensional models. For Kobbelt looking for algorithms and data structures, with which highly complex 3-D objects can be modeled as efficiently as possible, modified, optimized and finally visualized interactively. The focus of his interest while subdivision schemes and mesh networks are in 3-D models; here he has delivered pioneering contributions to both the analysis and modification of existing mesh networks ("Multiresolution Modeling") as well as for the generation and optimization of new high-quality mesh networks ("Polygon Mesh Generation and Optimization"). Last but not least Kobbelt is one of the pioneers in the field of "Point-based Graphics," in which surfaces are represented only by a sufficiently dense set of points - but without any information on the links between the points.

A team at RWTH Aachen developed the Zometool Mesh Approximation algorithm featured here recently.

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