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"A great library burned to the ground"

"A great library burned to the ground"

8th Nov 2017

We received sad news yesterday.Friends,Marc Pelletier, Zometool founder and the man who understood Steve Baer’s 31-zone system better than anyone in this part of the galaxy, died last night. Our appr … read more


6th Feb 2017

We are looking at this interesting technology for model display.  MG-42 52 01-BYR-EXT by zometool on Sketchfab … read more
Sierpinski Tetrahedron

Sierpinski Tetrahedron

7th May 2015

Chris Hill, Assistant Professor of Mathematics at St. Bonaventure University has been overseeing a project over the past several months; groups of middle school students from the Allegany-Limestone, H … read more