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Sometimes a blackboard is simply not enough.


Visualization is a key component in the scientific process; many complex concepts are made more accessible if you can explore them through rich hands-on models.


Fermilab's Chris Quigg modeling particles and interactions using Zometool. 
Chris Quigg —Theoretical Physicist at Fermilab  

You can see how Chris uses Zometool models in his blog post explaining particles and interactions.



Garrett Lisi with a Zometool model of the E8 structure

Garrett Lisi —Phycisist, surfer dude.

In his "An Exceptionally Simple Theory of Everything", Lisi postulated that all physical forces and particles can be explained by mapping them onto a complex geometrical structure known as E8. He is shown holding a partial model of the E8 made out of Zometool. 

Read the original Outside Online article here.


Roger Penrose holding a quasicrystalline structure

Sir Roger Penrose —mathematical physicist, mathematician and philosopher of science.

Professor Penrose is shown here holding a Quasicrystaliine structure.


Learning about the existence and properties of H4 symmetry was a gradual, but profound experience.    Similarly, learning of the relationship between algebra (the Golden Field, in particular, and other algebraic extensions) and geometry continues to engage me as well as finding that Zometool manifests deep mathematical principles related to the formation of quasicrystals and Penrose tiles.."
—SCOTT VORTHMAN, author of vZome /Chief ZomeGuru, USA

Understanding becomes actual physical object; not limited to virtual or abstract understanding.”
Zome reflects thinking at its best. It promotes opportunities for learning in a new way to generalize about mathematics and promotes the relationship between equations and real-world applications”