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First Time

Don’t Panic.

Here are some tips to make the most of your first Zometool experience.

A quick start

If you're looking for a quick and easy way to get started with Zometool, try this little guided meditation: a quick start!

There are very few rules with Zometool:

  • If it works, it works perfectly.

  • Take it apart, don't break it apart.

  • Put it back in the box. Keep your parts organized and they'll last for a long, long time.

And if you do get some strut breakage, don't worry. We'll replace them for free.

You might ask...

Which strut should I use?
You can tell which strut fits between two balls in a model by lining up the balls and looking through the holes. The holes show you the shape of the strut that fits.

Is it o.k. to bend struts?
You can bend a strut slightly to fit it into a tight spot, but don’t force Zometool components. Struts in finished models are  always straight, never under tension.

What about gaps in my model?
Make sure each stub goes all the way into the hole, with the shoulder of the strut tight to the face of the ball. Tighten up your model as you go. Work locally, with one hand holding the ball and the other pushing the strut straight in.

How do I take it apart?
Take Zometool models apart by grasping a strutwith your fingers and pushing the ball straight off with your thumb. Twisting balls, pulling models apart or crushing them can cause parts to break!

What if I break parts?
We replace accidentally broken parts for free: click here for details!


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